Wk 11 — Artist OTW — Student Choice

Dora Yela
4 min readNov 9, 2020

Artist: Damaris Sulser

Media: Oil paint on canvas, oil paint on glass, watercolor

Website: https://www.damarissulser.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/damaris.sulser/

Damaris Sulser is someone who I consider to be a very talented artist, more specifically painter. She is not someone who I’d say is that well known or famous, and I say this because I cannot find really anything about her or her life. All I can say is that she is in Switzerland, and I know this because I follow her account on Instagram. Despite there not being much I could find on her, I still think she is an amazing painter. If I didn’t think of her work as amazing then I wouldn’t have followed her however many years ago I did. From simply googling her name, there is no age, birthplace, schooling, etc… which just further proves that all there is to know is whatever in on her social media. Even with her website, there isn’t anything there, because I believe it was made with the intent to simply showcase her work. Then again, her as a person and her past isn’t the main focus. It is what she can do with paint and brushes that really matters. Whether she has been taking classes for years and did proper schooling, or just self taught, she is still incredibly talented and clearly knows what she is doing.

Throughout the years of following her, and her paintings pop up on my feed here and there, there is no doubt that she is an amazing painter. Whether it be an oil painting or a watercolor one, you as the views can see clear detail and effort in her work. One of my favorite water color paintings of hers is referred to as “Rain on Window I” on her website. Although quite simple because there isn’t too much going on, it is detail that makes it so amazing. I’m not sure why I love it so much, but just how realistic it looks, especially in the video she posted on instagram of it, amazes me. The clear detail and effort she put into distinct the foreground from the background just shows how good she can paint. Especially with watercolor, it is not easy to get extremely realistic detail like that. It is as if I’m looking outside a window into the ocean on a rainy day. Again, there isn’t much going on, but the fact that you can clearly sense that you are looking out of a “window” to the blurred yet realistic water proves her talent. The contrast of the realistic rain droplets on the “window” from the less focused waves of the water in the background is so cool to me because of how real it feels.

In general, a lot of her is very photorealistic, which is why I think I gravitate towards it so much. Damaris has a huge collection of paintings, and they all give off this very simple and calming vibe. The color palettes are always very cool, very blue, which just emphasises that calm feeling. It’s usually always an outside scene, or view, or landscape of somesort. Nothing too bright, with not an overwhelming amount of things going on. Again, all her work gives off a calm, quiet, yet alive feeling. It is never loud, but at the same time it is as if you can hear what is going on. Whether that be the rain, or ocean waves, or rolling clouds, or the wind blowing the grass, it is like I can feel and hear what is going on inside each painting. Because there wasn’t really anything on her, I am not sure why a lot of her work is what it is about and is in the colors that it is; but either way, without knowing her actual inspiration behind everything, she has a clear style and vibe which is super cool, given that a lot of beginning and less known artists seem a bit all over the place because they haven’t quite found their niche and vibe like she has.

I may not know what her work means to her, but I know that to me it means feeling peace and quiet and calm. I love her style of painting, both oil and watercolor, because it is realistic. There is something about that style of making something look so real that amazes me and inspires me. To me I just feel like you have to be extremely talented to make something look real like that. I love painting for fun, and when I do I try to make it as realistic as possible. I don’t know why I like that so much, but I just do. It is nothing too exciting and extravagant, but looking at her work makes me happy. Also the blue, cool tones and muted color pallets that I really like. They are weirdly comforting to me. Overall her work makes me want to get better and practice more. Not that I am going to be a full blown artist, but when I do something for fun on the side, I want the people who see it to be amazed and feel satisfied like how I do when I see her work.

